Grantor Name: Arizona Department of Education
Program Name: Holistic Youth Transformation Program
Grant Amount: $500,000
Recipient Name: New Pathways for Youth
Overview of Use of Funds: Good Works Grant Writing is thrilled to congratulate our client, New Pathways for Youth (NPFY), for being selected to receive $500,000 in federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds from the Arizona Department of Education. Funding will support the expansion of NPFY’s Holistic Youth Transformation Program to serve more than 1,000 Title I students over the next two to three years – more than doubling their organizational impact (from 400 annually served currently).
Overview of Grant Objective/Impact: The Holistic Youth Transformation Program integrates six distinct features: (1) One-on-One Mentoring in Connected Communities of Youth and Mentors; (2) Aspirational S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting Projects; (3) Mentor Coaching and Support; (4) Parent Workshops and Referrals; (5) Workforce Development/College and Career Planning Sessions, and (6) Evidence-Based Personal Development/Life Skill Workshops and Retreats. ESSER funding will enable New Pathways for Youth to support Phoenix students as they graduate high school, pursue their post-secondary goals, and achieve their goals.