Grantor Name: Silicon Valley Community Foundation – California Black Freedom Fund

Program Name: Accelerating Black Leadership and Entrepreneurship (ABLE) – Preparing the Next Generation of Black Entrepreneurs

Grant Amount: $100,000

Recipient Name: African Diaspora Network (ADN)

Overview of Use of Funds: Good Works Grant Writing is thrilled to congratulate our client, African Diaspora Network, for being selected to receive $100,000 from the California Black Freedom Fund. This award will support Accelerating Black Leadership and Entrepreneurship (ABLE) – Preparing the Next Generation of Black Entrepreneurs, an enterprise accelerator program designed to expand economic pathways and advance entrepreneurial efforts. Through online and in-person training and mentorship, ABLE supports the adaptation and innovations of Black entrepreneurs to the current global pandemic and changing economic climate. ABLE is a collaborative venture led by African Diaspora Network (ADN) with Anchor/Lead Funder,; Seed Funder, Silicon Valley Community Foundation; and Academic Partner, Santa Clara University’s Silicon Valley Executive Center.

Overview of Grant Objective/Impact: ABLE will:

  • provide a platform for the development of Black-owned businesses.
  • provide a platform to develop the leadership of Black entrepreneurs.
  • provide mentoring and networking to meet and learn from industry experts/leaders.
  • provide a voice and forum for the recognition of Black entrepreneurs and Black-owned businesses.

Enterprises emerging from this partnership will:

  • highlight the challenges faced by Black-owned businesses.
  • recognize ingenuity and innovation of Black-owned and African Immigrant-owned businesses.
  • build a network of Black and African Immigrant entrepreneurs.
  • provide investment-ready solutions for investors interested in a curated pipeline of community-driven entrepreneurial solutions to local and global challenges.