Grantor Name: JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Program Name: Reentry Prosperity Model

Grant Amount: $226,500

Recipient Name: Arouet Foundation (Arouet)

 Overview of Use of Funds: Good Works Grant Writing is excited to congratulate our client, Arouet Foundation (Arouet), for being selected to receive a $226,500 grant from JPMorgan Chase! During 2025, this generous corporate grant will support Arouet’s holistic Reentry Prosperity Model, which annually serves 400 justice-impacted women in Arizona. Anchored in research-supported best practices, their Reentry Prosperity Model’s services include (but are not limited to): workforce development (including fair chance employment townhalls and advocacy, job fairs, and certification trainings), peer and professional mentoring, financial navigation education and coaching, employment coaching, life skills development, public education and advocacy, and healthcare navigation services.

Overview of Grant Objective/Impact: Through their 2025 Reentry Prosperity Model, Arouet will comprehensively engage 400 justice-impacted women in one-on-one and group-based services, offered free of charge, available year-round, and structured/delivered in four phases: PHASE 1) Pre-Release: Reentry Preparation (3-6 months per pre-release participant); PHASE 2) Reentry: Immediate & Basic Needs Assistance (90 days per reentry participant); PHASE 3) Post-Release: Mentorship, Case Management, & Professional Certifications (4-18+ months per post-release participant); and PHASE 4) Continued Engagement: Advocacy & Community Building (months, years, or indefinitely per Community Builder). Over 13 years, Arouet has empowered ~3,000 justice-impacted women to reintegrate, rebuild, and contribute positively to society. With a participant recidivism rate of less than 3%, Arouet’s model stands in stark contrast to Arizona’s two-year recidivism rate of nearly 40%.